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The Importance Of Movies Clips Trailers.} Sep 07

The Importance of Movies Clips Trailers.


Trevor Taylor

Last summer I visited my local movie theate with a couple of friends and to be honest we had no idea which movie we would be seeing. We just fancied an evening out kicking off with a movie then out for a meal. I remember I had seen a couple of movies clips on the television but none appealed to us so we decided to decide on a movie when we got to the cinema. That turned out to be a bad decision.


Once we arrived at the complex we perused the movies on show and the movie I think we all would like to have seen was sold out, and looking at the choices we had, left us somewhat in the dark as none of us knew anything about these remaining choices of movies. A quick look at the posters around the movie complex and we made a quick choice. I guess this movie choice was based on information gleaned from the posters and the name of the leading actor. None of us had seen movies clips or trailers for the movie we chose to see.As it turned out, the movie we had chosen was not too bad yet we all agreed that it was nothing like we had expected, as the subject matter of the movie storyline was not what we would normally have been attracted to. We chatted about the movie over dinner and agreed that in future we should look at the movies clips and trailers online and decide on a movie long before we arrived at the complex.Later that evening I went online specifically to look at movies clips and trailers websites and was impressed at the amount of information available on movies past, present and even upcoming movies not yet released. The only movies clips and trailers I had seen in the past had been of poor quality and with lots of stopping and starting while buffering took place. Now, with most of us having high speed broadband connections, the viewing of movies clips and trailers is a much more enjoyable experience.The speed of downloading information now allows us to view our chosen movies clips and trailers in high definition (HD), where available, and I was amazed at the quality of picture even when I switched to full screen viewing. I was having so much fun looking at the movies clips that I didn’t notice the time.. Two and a half hours had passed since I logged online and I had more fun than I’d even had at the movie theater. Last week, myself and the same two friends once again decided to have a night out at the movies. The difference this time was that we all met at my house and before we left we went online to look at the movies clips and trailers to find out more about the content of the movies that were showing at the complex. A quick search for the movie title followed by the word trailer gave us plenty of options and we easily found trailers for all the movies in question. There were even websites offering their movies clips and trailers in high definition (often described simply as HD) which was awesome.Having had a taste of the movie we were about to see increased the level of anticipation and made for a more enjoyable evening. This time, because of our visit to the online movies clips trailers websites we knew exactly the genre of the movies, and not only were we aware of the actors (some through recognition rather than name) but we’d had an insight into the plot and seen samples of some of the action from the movie. Although on this occasion we were able to get seats for our first choice of movie, we already had made our reserve choices should we not have been able to secure seats for our first choice.I would recommend anyone who is considering going to the movies, whether to see a specific movie or simply going for a night out without being sure which movie they will see, to spend a little time on the Internet first. A quick visit to one of the movies clips trailers websites first will help to avoid disappointment and go a long way in making sure your evening is a complete success.Trevor Taylor

Trevor Taylor writes of his experiences in the Movies Clips arena.

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The Importance of Movies Clips Trailers.}

Category: Camping
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